We're at our third week for our VR dev of ROM! This week was spent
exchanging ideas on how we wanted to test VR specifically in the
confines of our game, and decided to work on making a recreation of our
first room in-game!When we designed the backgr...
Week two of our VR endeavors for ROM, we're figuring what we can
visually do and really exploring our options. We don't know how we want
to capture the aesthetic and feel of ROM in three dimensions, so we
experimented with lighting!
Hey everyone! We're plugging away at making a Read Only Memories VR
experience, learning as we go! Building in VR is a big departure from
our 2D iteration, but we're figuring it out! Here's us fiddling with
cameras, we can't afford an Oculus right no...
Heyo! We're MidBoss, and we're the team of Matt Conn, Connie Sims and
Sergio Kossio and we have this game Read Only Memories, which is a queer
cyberpunk adventure game. It's filled with very diverse cast, and we're
currently working on releasing a fu...
Thank you! We're launching, this thursday, a trailer for our "full
version" called 2064: Read Only Memories which is coming out to PS4 and
Vita in August, but features full voice acting and we hope takes it to
that next level of "hollywood" type cont...