Hey fellas :mrgreen: here's my question: is it possible to change the
country of delivery? in august i was supposed to go to visit my dad in
the US, so in early april i ordered the dk2 sending it to my dad's
house. sadly, we had a problem that forced...
"Sharpfish" wrote:"dubster" wrote:lol.How uptight are you lot
?mwaaahhhh, this guy had the sense to buy a few units and now wants to
make some money on it and IVE NOT GOT MINE YET.NO, you can NOT sell
something you've paid for with your own money to ...
"MrOpposite" wrote:Well, I sent the oculus support a mail a while ago (I
know they probably have enough things in their hands but I'M SO
IMPATIENT!) asking if I was one of those that was in the July-batch or
August-batch.And got this as a reply:Hi Ro...