Their headphone jacks go kaput so quickly. I'm on my second Rift S (I
warrantied thinged the first one) and the headphone bug is starting to
happen. At some point within the next year, I'm going to have to go
through the process again. I'm biting the...
Hmm. Should be setting up. It is not. Had to wait over a month for this
replacement (luckily I got it free) and it won't work. To be clear, the
first one broke, the second one won't set up.
Will not work unless at a few specific circumstancesNear perfect 90
degree angle close to headphone jackPushing the audio chord inwards,
fully inwards, must be pressure applied to it at all timesSame with
different pair of headphones
Why would you use it? It is VERY low quality when compared to
headphones. Plus, this is 400 dollars. Not a toy. It shouldn't break
after a year, let alone at all if you use it right.
I got a new replacement Oculus Rift S. Displayport will not function. I
already had the Oculus program. I repaired it, tried plugging it in
again, restarted oculus and my pc, and reseated my headset cable.