since ‎08-28-2019

User Statistics

  • 19 Posts
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  • 12 Kudos received

User Activity

I use both Link and Virtual Desktop at different times. When I use the link in Roblox VR it crashes in under 5 minutes. It goes into an odd state where it shows right footage on the moniter, but on the headset it shows only a portion of the actual vi...
Hello! I have a GeForce 1050 Graphics card and 32 MBs of ram, but it keeps crashing once it connects. It has worked before in Deism, Rick and Morty, and Minecraft, but it hasn't worked since mid-February. It has crashed quickly after it shows the hom...
I've seen the Oculus Quest advertisements, and I was wondering what the Anti-Gravity Racket game they were playing was. I thought it was Racket Nx, but then I saw some gameplay which looks nothing like it. What is it?
Many quest owners have loved Job Simulator and want it on the quest! Please update us if you are in the process!
Hello. My brother recently started Rec Room and I believe he disabled the microphone when the notification for the setting came up, please tell me: How can I unable it for just the game?
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