Honored Guest
since ‎10-26-2015

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Greetings.I am having problems playing my 360° video on my samsung gear VR. Mainly what happens is that when I play it on the gear VR the image is seen with the eyes changed. Left right is in the right eye and vice versa.Can anyone help me?Many thank...
Greetings. I renderer a 4k 360° vray video on 3dsMax and edited on Adobre Premiere Pro to play it at my Samsung Gear VR. The problem I get when I watch it at de gear is that each eye (left and right) have a split image that do not match so the final ...
Hey everyone.I create a scene on 3dsMax and render it in 4k p Adobre Png format to create the video on Adobre Premiere Pro.I manage to put the video to watch it on my Samsung gear .VR but when I watch it, it looks distort like if it was focus on a sm...
Greetings.I´ve been working for a while on creating a VR animated Walkthrough video on 3dsMax. I created a sequence of PNG images with alpha channel and import them into Adobe Premiere Pro wich supposly has a new VR engine that allowed youto export v...