Does anyone here have a complete, clean workflow from Medium to Blender
to Unity?I know that sculpts are nowhere near animation-ready straight
from Medium, but as far as retopology, baking maps, and transitioning
files, I keep finding snags here and ...
I recently got a new hard drive. After installing it, I uninstalled
Oculus and re-installed it onto the new hard drive. I reinstalled medium
and a few other games, and when I went into medium, my library was
empty. My husband got my sculpts to transf...
I recently got a new hard drive. After installing it, I uninstalled
Oculus and re-installed it onto the new hard drive. I reinstalled medium
and a few other games, and when I went into medium, my library was
empty. My husband got my sculpts to transf...
I don't remember deleting anything or crashing a project like when I've
gotten similar errors before, but this just keeps buzzing and won't go
away. What do I do?
I am trying to be able to sculpt assets for Unity in Medium.I need to
take the sculpt into blender to retopologize it so that it's
animation-ready and so that the mesh isn't too dense for game use in
Unity. I have gotten fairly used to using retopolo...
yes, then we uninstalled oculus and put it on the D drive, and moved all
of the medium files there, too. My sculpts are in my library, but my
stamps are missing.
P3nT4gR4m said: @danilo, @falken76 I'd say that for static assets, you
should take look at medium decimation export/unwrap/normal-bake It's
quick and dirty, yeah but it's really, really and thrice - really f'kin
quick and it aint so dirty you need to...