since ‎08-30-2015

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I am using Quest 2 with Air Link on windows 10 PC.In order to pair I am connecting the USB cable and after that I able to Air Link the headset. The problem is after each reboot of Quest 2 I need to pair again the headset. Before it was paired all the...
I am trying to run webxr VR experience coded in Babylonjs, on Oculus Quest 2 and is not working. I try to enable Webxr flags on the browser and I was not successful. Is even possible to run WebXR on Oculus Quest 2 Browser ?
I am developing experiences with AFrame, I need a WebVr browser in Oculus Rift to test them.What should I do to run Firefox or Chrome inside Oculus Rift, does it even work ?So far it looks like the only browser running inside Rift is Supemedium.What ...
What is the procedure to wireless connect Oculus Go headset to PC localhost:3000. Oculus Go is in developer mode, I would like to browse with Oculus Go localhost:3000 on PC.
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