I came across quote from a press release from Samsung (Emphasis in the
quote is mine)As the Gear VR grows in popularity, Samsung is
prioritizing the smooth integration of the web browsing experience
between devices. Whether on a Galaxy S6 edge+, Gala...
For a while now I have had a Note 5 and a Gear VR, I upgraded my phone
to a S7 and my wife is getting my Note 5. We sent in our info to get the
free Gear VR with the S7 promotion so now we will have two Gear VRs in
the house. I don't want to have to ...
The movie INVASION! is unwatchable on the Note 5, The video goes by at
about 1 FPS, I can see the snowflakes at the start jump, pause, jump,
pause. (I get great FPS in the GearVR, I can turn my head and the
tracking is perfect, I don't see TimeWarp k...
Issues with the VR Version1) You can't do star ratings without taking
off the headset2) You can't see patch notes except for when you are
downloading the patch. Once it has been downloaded it just says "no
updates available"3) It would be nice to be ...
I am starting to play around with using the GearVR in some basic AR
functionality. To do this I need to know the characteristics of the
cameras on the supported devices.Has anyone consolidated the info needed
to create virtual cameras that match the ...
cybereality said: I have the normal 980 and I'm waiting for the 1080 to
upgrade.Honestly, I think I am one of the few people who is happy about
the delays. I don't currently have a card that passes the system tester
(770 GTX) and had a June estimated...
At GTC on April 5th Nivida has a presentation about their new Pascal
line of cards (GTX 1080 specfically) and it is expected that they will
state the release date at that presentation. Current estimates are the
first cards will be launched in June ar...
How are you playing the video, from the web or from a video file on the
phone? If it is a video file on the phone you must start the video from
inside the Oculus Video player or the MilkVR player.See
You should probably asking this over at the Unity development section of
this forum, not the community section