Hi, I recently set up my friend's Oculus Touch on my computer and wasn't
aware that would automatically give me a copy of Robo Recall. Now my
friend is unable to get his free copy of Robo Recall on his computer.Is
there any way to transfer the game o...
@vrdaveb, again thank you for the help.I have tried and re-tried the
methods provided (now with updated utilities) and am still not having
success.Similarly to VRDynamics, the
results ...
one isn't working for me, returns an error at "FromOVRPose". Could be
due to older SDK? I'm on OSX so unfortunately can't use the
latest.OVRPlugin.rotation = false;Tried this in th...
Hi, any way to fully disable movement with GearVR and the new integrated
VR in Unity?I've followed all the steps, I've found that while doing so
and building with "Virtual Reality Supported", the steps on pg 1 of this
topic do not seem to have any ef...