Hi everyone,I've updated RiftRay for the 0.8 SDK - you can download the
latest build here:
https://github.com/jimbo00000/RiftRay/releases/latest. I'm hoping to
have it polished up enough to release on share in time for the Rift's
consumer release. At...
Is there a way to get the values displayed in the Perf HUD
programmatically through the API, perhaps through ovr_GetInt?
Specifically, the "Unused performance" value could be very useful in
dynamic performance scaling.
What's the status of the SDK on MacOS? Nothing under MacOS's Displays
control seems to expose any options for turning off desktop for the Rift
display (the Arrangement tab seems most relevant), so it appears that
Extended mode is the only option. Plu...
When building with an openGL core profile(GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE), I'm
getting a driver crash(NVidia 347.09) in glDrawElements on dismissal of
the HSW while SDK rendering(between ovrHmd_BeginFrame and
ovrHmd_EndFrame). The client path works fine an...
The perf logger takes a copy of the data in const char* userData when
ovrHmd_StartPerfLog is called and outputs that on each log line for the
duration of the running program. Would it be possible to read that data
anew each time the log outputs a lin...
jherico said:Sharing texture data with another process is non-trivialI
didn't even realize it was possible until I saw it in the Oculus
runtime. Do you have any idea how it's done?
I'll chime in and say Linux support is important to me too. I use
Windows as well as Linux, and would like to have modern VR support on
both.What would it take for Linux support to make sense for Oculus? I'm
happy to help in any way I can, for whatev...
I just found that this has to do with the USB hub the Hydra is plugged
into. I have this FosPower hub http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RDLZSZQ
plugged into this Anker PCI-E USB board
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005ARQV6U . Removing the Hydra from the hub
I'm happy to report the HSW no longer appears for me. I saw it every
time the first day and found it slightly onerous, but now it seems to
have disappeared. Maybe it goes away after a day?In any case, I find the
development process to be quite smooth...
I'm seeing this too when I build an app linked to the Sixense SDK. On
exit, the HMD screen displays all black, but the mirror window stays up
with the last copy of the mirror texture's data.I've tried moving the
call to sixenseExit() before and after...