since ‎05-23-2016

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Just came across this, which I think may help hugely for those of us who have to wear glasses when using the Rift.:
Sorry if this is dumb, but I have to ask. I got my CV1 a couple or three weeks ago, and, believe it or not, have only today got around to actually taking it out of the box. My main reasons for getting it is ED and FSX/P3D/Xplane (to be used with "fly...
My rig passed the Oculus check, I have a (win 10, 64bit ) 4770k @4.4Ghz, 16Gb Ram and GTX970. My main display is 3 x 32" monitors connected via Matrox Triple Head to Go. I use this mostly for FSX/P3D/ Xplane and Elite dangerous (with trackir pro v5)....
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