First of all, I truly appreciate Oculus's overlay layer tech for media
player developers, which make video looks sharper & less judder.My team
has been contributing to develop "view-based media player", the main
method uses 24 quadrilateras to combin...
Hello everyone, my team have been contributing to develop " view
dependent media player ", which using a single thread decode 2048 * 1536
with android-media-codec (we can call it BASE TEX) and four thread
decode 512 * 256 * 24 split blocks for viewer...
i had similar problem before
which talk about how to render 180 video with Equirect Layer. after a
lot of s...
my halfsphere overlay shape feature request comes from plyaing 180
video. after a few test in playing 360 video, i found that if playing
180 video with full sphere, i must double the texture2d in horizontal
direction which render the extra pixels in ...
the post
tell me how to prevent video judder, but another problem which occurs in
great probability is memory leak whi...
if you want render something infront of Compositor layer something like
3d mesh, the layer must be underlay.the blend forumla is not the default
one -- eye.Color * eye.Alpha + underlay.Color * (1 - eye.Alpha)the blend
formula should be eye.Color + un...
update 8/18/2018:1.i found that accompanied by the above "out of memory"
log printing, the device's eye buffer shows a lot of random noise point
with random color at the same time while overlay is rendering, but this
phenomenon just last a few frames...
@imperativity thank you very much, overlay is more effective compared
with underlay. when finish my work, i will post the 360 video render
method in detail using overlay if someone interested
imperativity said: You should have you application decode the video
content directly to that texture to solve your judder video
texture render pipeline is :1. new surfacetexture( texture2d 1 new from
native opengl)2. copy surfacetexture in...
my video info is : 4096 * 4096, video fps = 30 fps, video codec = hevc,
top-bottom-3dsoftaware = oculus video app & device = coulus go can play
this video smoothly & sharply with underlay tech, i can confirm that my
media player framework can play th...