Hello,As it says in the title we have a very weird bug with the Oculus
Spatializer for Wwise. Indeed, the binaural is working well in Oculus as
long as I don't activate any Oculus attenuation. As soon as I activate
one (no matter which one) the binau...
Hello, We would like to change the hand model and try a full arm
rendering, and as such we would like to replace the hands by our own
model ?Since the meshes are generated at runtime is it possible to
replace the meshes at all? If yes do you have any...
Hi,Thanks for the answer. It's very weird, maybe I do something wrong or
I have a wrong version problem because I confirm that for me if I don't
override every child they are not touched by the attenuation.My versions
:Wwise is 2016.2.1 and AudioSDK ...
Thanks for the answer, I deleted it for the test and it didn't change
anything.I think I "figured it out" tho, I have cars who are under an
actor mixer who were not attenuated at all while a Carousel loop who was
just a regular sound with actual atte...
Hello Peter,Sorry, maybe it wasn't too clear, here are some screenshots
so you can see the overall setup we have inside Wwise :The overall
3DSound group, no child overides that :We have this in our effects :The
weird bug is gone, probably something c...
juanoldinho said: Hi,Check out the newly released Oculus Sample
Framework for
of the new features is:CustomHands uses low-resolution cus...