The Vuze vr camera got my attention and I even considered buying one
but... then I downloaded some (4K) demo movies from their site and
watched them with my Rift using Virtual Desktop( Steam) and was really
very disappointed by the poor image quality...
Thanks all for sharing your thoughts & suggestions on this matter! For
me personality it’s a bit too early as this technology doesn’t seem to
have reached its potential yet (except for the cameras in the higher
price range) Haven’t tried to view the ...
Ok...obviously this isn’t the right place to discuss 360 3D cameras
It’s probably way to early for vr video anyway as you need to pay around
900 Euros for a cam with crappy image quality.
Same problem overhere! In the lift there's no interaction with the
circuitry (it shows 'error' on the display in the box )and after a
couple of seconds the game even crashes...