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Avatar SDK in Mobile games


Since Meta allows users to create avatars on WhatsApp and Instagram, it seems like there should be a way to access these avatars in Unity by logging in with a Meta account. Is there an SDK or API that supports this integration?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello There!

We hope that you have been having a great time in VR!

Have you had a look at our support page Overview of Meta Avatars SDK?


We hope that this will provide some insight into integrating into Unity, or at least put you on the right path!

If we can help in any other way please let us know, and we would be happy to help.

Thanks very much!



Thank you for your response. I'm familiar with how the avatar sdk works but I wanted to know if their was a way I could use it for non VR mobile apps like on iPhone games and android phones. 

I'll have the user log in with their instagram and/or whatsapp account and use that avatar for games 

Hi there @Shroozy 


Here at the Meta Support Team we love hearing ideas, the best place to post them is here on the ideas forum.


Looking forward to hear from you soon!