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Reset rotation of HMD/Camera Rig

Honored Guest
Hello, there,
I don't know what to try anymore and therefore ask you for help.
I would like to reset the rotation of the HMD. For my application it is very important to have an exact rotation of the HMD. However, if a user sets up the HMD and sets it so that everything is well visible to him, there is often an ofset in the x rotation although the person indicates to look exactly straight and recognizes a reference point as exactly centered.
At the moment I'm already using this:
_steamRend = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType<SteamVR_Render>();
_steamRend.trackingSpace = Valve.VR.ETrackingUniverseOrigin.TrackingUniverseSeated;
That recentered the position, but unfortunately not the rotation.
Does anyone have an idea? I can't set up the HMD for my test persons in such a way that the x rotation fits me and my research results, but the test persons can't see anything anymore :-).

Thank you for every hint.


Honored Guest
Hey @imperativity ,
thanks for asking. Well, yes, I use this code, as it was the only thing I found to "manipulate" VR-Camera to reset it at any point. But as I explained, the code isn't enough for my purpose. Is there any solution you know to Reset the Rift completely to zero when starting a Scene? As we do an listening test for sound source localization this would be really important
Thank you for your help!