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Ad account Continue Request button leads to blank page

Honored Guest

I tried to continue and confirm my identity since that you see my account is a fraud and now my identity, however it asked me when i tried to confirm my identity if i am doing this to make my account secured or to run political ads and stuff like this and i had no other option to only choose that but I want to run ads for my pages which provide a "Scuba Diving" content. when i clicked the "Continue Request" button and i went to a page that have literally NOTHING and i can't proceed with anything and if i didn't confirm it in 22 days my account will be permanently restricted to run ads and all i want to do is just fulfill my clients needs. I work as a freelancer and this is why i take the pages to my personal account, I am only running 2 pages now. As my identity confirmed i thought the issue with the "Continue Request" button was solved and i can proceed with the process but that didn't happen. Also i will open my own business soon and i want to run ads and do market my brand so i get orders but with the issue that i can't even proceed.As a Freelancer this will cause a huge problem to me i can lose my job with this and this will lead facing a huge financial problem. As you see in the provided screenshots my account is disabled and i tried to proceed with the steps you provided to me and yet i went to a blank page and i can't do anything i even tried to do the same thing from another browser and yet i found the same issue. This will cost me money loss and i may also lose my job if i stayed like this for the next two days, and this job is my only way to gain money, pay rent and support myself. I couldn't find and support mail and i reported this issue 2 times or 3 times the in the past days, PLEASE help me and fix this issue with my account ASAP!!

Steps where i found the issue:
1- I entered this link and i found no issue because i didn't even run an ad so i clicked on "View my accounts" button

2- In this link i found my account was restricted so i clicked on "Continue Request" button

3- I got redirected to this link which contain a blank page and i can't do anything nor clicking any other buttonsAs you see here i have no outstanding issues for the past 90 daysAs you see here i have no outstanding issues for the past 90 daysHere it showed my account is restrected yet i have no account or asset issue as shown i the previous pageHere it showed my account is restrected yet i have no account or asset issue as shown i the previous pageHere when i click on "Continue Request"  button it redirects me to a blank page. I reied different browsers with different times of the days  yet nothing but blank pageHere when i click on "Continue Request" button it redirects me to a blank page. I reied different browsers with different times of the days yet nothing but blank page


Honored Guest

hi, are your problem resolved ?

Honored Guest

I have same issue. Is your problem resolved?


Honored Guest

SAME exact problem here. So aggravating. Have submitted multiple complaints to any and all feedback forums and questionnaires. I sent an email to I finally caved and SUBSCRIBED to meta verified to get “enhanced support” and still nothing! Did you find a solution?? Hope you do

Still no




No and guess what!!!!!!




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