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Can't Factory Reset Oculus Quest

Honored Guest

My Quest have been slow and acting wierd so I thought I would try and factory reset it.
Started the reset but after a long while it endend up failing and now if I try and start it or do a factory reset it always ends up with the message below:

Android Recovery
Use volume up/down and power.
Can't load Android system. Your
data may be corrupt. If you
continue to get this message, you
may need to perform a factory data
reset and erase all user data
stored on this device.
Try again
Factory data reset

Supported API: 3

So I'm not sure what I can do now?
I can't find anything about how to reflash it from a PC or something.


Thank you for informing us. Based on everything we have discussed, we would like to move this to a more private channel to further discuss options and possible solutions. You can send us a message here. Next, click “Send a Message” to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message. We hope to hear from you soon!

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@MetaQuestSupport Thank you, I have send you a private message. 

Hi there @nanakii! We got your PM and we will be with you as soon as possible! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

Hi @MetaQuestSupport @nanakii 

Did you guys ever figure out how to solve the issue? I have the same issue on my headset - exact same message as well.


Hello, give me your mail I Will explain you the answer I had

Hi @nanakii, thanks for getting back to me so quick! 


HI @nanakii could you also explain to me what answer you had, I have the same problem and message with my quest 3s. 

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