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Disabled Wheelchair user requires additional accessibility options

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Hi I'm a full time wheelchair user, I own an HTC Vive and an oculus Rift and also pre ordered the Quest. Steam VR has Accessibility options in advanced settings where I can make myself taller in VR with a slider and also assign a spare button on the controller that I can hold to go back to seated height and let go for virtual standing height again so it's like the equivalent of a crouching button... and so I much prefer to use my Vive for this reason and hardly ever use my Rift... I would really like it if you could add these simple options to make it fair and accessible to everyone, and I would use my rift more, also worried if I'll be able to play games on my quest if I can't make myself taller in VR... I really hope you can add this feature and make it fair for all. And if I'm writing to the Wrong place could you direct me who I should contact. Thanks


I believe in the Quest set up you define the floor elevation by placing one of the controllers on the floor. I would assume that if you placed it on a raised surface ( a low table for instance) you would then get an elevated viewpoint.
Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.5GHz. Asus-Z170-PRO MB - Nvidia RTX 3080 ti - 16GB DDR4 2666MHZ HYPERX SAVAGE.

Not applicable

I believe in the Quest set up you define the floor elevation by placing one of the controllers on the floor. I would assume that if you placed it on a raised surface ( a low table for instance) you would then get an elevated viewpoint.

I think that would actually make me even shorter, To make myself taller in steam VR it moves the floor further down, So in oculus that means I would have to define the floor elevation as underground which is impossible.

Ah..good bad
Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.5GHz. Asus-Z170-PRO MB - Nvidia RTX 3080 ti - 16GB DDR4 2666MHZ HYPERX SAVAGE.

Really hope a solution becomes available, I`m not disabled but I firmly believe that manufacturers like Oculus etc should make the system available for all, so the best of luck.

Not applicable

Really hope a solution becomes available, I`m not disabled but I firmly believe that manufacturers like Oculus etc should make the system available for all, so the best of luck.

Thanks 🙂 appreciate that, Yes it would be awesome.. Steam VR has had these options for 2 years, It wouldn't be hard for Oculus to add it I'm sure

May I ask you to contact support and express your desires/concerns/wishlist. You never know mate they may have a work around for you 😉
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Heroic Explorer

Bongman79 said:

Hi I'm a full time wheelchair user, I own an HTC Vive and an oculus Rift and also pre ordered the Quest. Steam VR has Accessibility options in advanced settings where I can make myself taller in VR with a slider and also assign a spare button on the controller that I can hold to go back to seated height and let go for virtual standing height again so it's like the equivalent of a crouching button... 

This is a brilliant feature, for everyone who has various mobility issues, even those who don't and could just see the value of adjustable height and crouch features.  Man, I sure hope the Oculus developers listen to your request and push it high on the todo list.
ASUS ROG Strix GL702VS-AH73 17.3" Laptop.  I7-7700HQ, GTX1070, 12 GB DDR4 RAM, 500 EVO 970 GB SSD, VS 2017, Oculus rift, Windows 10 home

Not applicable

Techy111 said:

May I ask you to contact support and express your desires/concerns/wishlist. You never know mate they may have a work around for you 😉

 Thanks, I did message support but they said to send to developer support, I have posted on dev forums but it hasn't been checked and published on there yet.

Not applicable

sford52 said:

Bongman79 said:

Hi I'm a full time wheelchair user, I own an HTC Vive and an oculus Rift and also pre ordered the Quest. Steam VR has Accessibility options in advanced settings where I can make myself taller in VR with a slider and also assign a spare button on the controller that I can hold to go back to seated height and let go for virtual standing height again so it's like the equivalent of a crouching button... 

This is a brilliant feature, for everyone who has various mobility issues, even those who don't and could just see the value of adjustable height and crouch features.  Man, I sure hope the Oculus developers listen to your request and push it high on the todo list.

Cheers man I hope it does too 🙂 Like you say it could be a good feature anyway for all, means if anyone didn't fancy standing to play one day they could just sit on the sofa to play as long as there is snap turn feature as well.
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