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Not Resolved - Open XR was broken with v68 Oculus Link



As a conversation here:

we have broken code in v68. How quick can we have an update from Oculus?

102 REPLIES 102


I haven't tried a wired option using Steam VR as the Open XR runtime, but one of our developers did and said the performance was dismal. I may try to validate this myself later today.

this is not resolved a all it also has nothing to do with the openxr toolkit for me openxr does not work at all since the v68 meta link app update so stop trying to palm it off as someone else's problem its clearly something meta has done. 


every other runtime (steamvr , vdxr) openxr implementation all still work fine with openxr for everyone but everyone has trouble using metas.


I can't run ets2 or ats in openxr at all even with traytool uninstalled and it was definitely metas update that done it as I played in the morning fine about 2 hours later the app updated itself and now it's all gone to crap. please reopen this as its clearly not resolved at all stop blaming others and fix what you broke 

Keep in mind I'm also using OpenXR Toolkit for some of it's performance tools, that probably accounts for a fair bit. 

This thread specifically mentions Open XR Toolkit, which is no longer being supported by the developer. I think that's why they're considering it "Resolved"...

That said, you're 100% correct that Open XR is very broken in v68.  🙂


This is it! I'll sell my Oculus VR-headset and buy some other brand ASAP.

Zuckerberg will be crying into his morning coffee knowing that.

Just wanted to follow up - after further testing Steam VR as the Open XR runtime also isn't a solution, your dev was right. My previous comments were based on iRacing on a specific track and grid size, changing to other tracks, more cars, or other applications like X-Plane yielded the same results your dev had - abysmal framerates, often struggling to break 30 fps which in VR is obviously awful. So nope, that's not a solution. Pity but it is what it is. 


this whole situation is just BS the fact this issue was pointed out to meta by multiple people before release while it was in the PTC and was released any way is just lazy as a company and kinda pathetic really what makes them think that's what us pcvr users want. kinda wish I never sold my crystal now in support for the quest 3 lol not really the experience I wanto support atm


What is PTC?


mine went to craP too! My Oculus Rift S was working fine until they update was FORCED ON MY RIFT !! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!! In DCS I spent a long time fight the hourglass! Blurred images!  DCS crashing, my computer, Asus Z790 with Intel 13900 CPU 64GB Ram, etc... It was fine before that horrible update! I didn't get any BSOD's very rare for me... but DCS would not load worth a  crap,, and crashed several times.

Asus Strix 790-H, Intel 13900 CPU. Nivida RTX 2080-ti video. 64 GB Ram.  SSD memory. Oculus Rift S.
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