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Oculus App on iPhone crashing/not launching

Honored Guest

Today my Iphone Oculus app took an update to v 148.0 and now when I try to launch it shows the o splash screen and then appears to quite and phone returns to homescreen.  I can see the app still open in the running apps but when you try to view it just returns to homescreen.  I have force closed that app and rebooted my phone with no change.  


Anyone else seeing the same? I will try and uninstall/reinstall next.


Accepted Solutions


Yeah I’m having the same problem on my iPhone and iPad. Let me know if the reinstall works for you.

View solution in original post



Yeah I’m having the same problem on my iPhone and iPad. Let me know if the reinstall works for you.

The uninstall/reinstall worked for me.

Cool, thanks B33k!

Honored Guest

Exact same thing on both phone and iPad! WTF. 

I had the same problem today. Uninstall/reinistall worked.

Retired Support

Hi everyone, the team is working on this issue with the app that's causing a crash or failing to load after the update. For now, the resolution as noted is to just uninstall and reinstall the app, but the team is looking into the cause to fix it from coming up in the first place. 

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will it reinstall all your games ? Messages ? Photos etc? 

Hi Shanti777! We know how concerning it might be uninstalling and reinstalling an app. The mobile app won't remove anything from your headset and your games will still be there since you're just uninstalling and reinstalling the mobile app. Once you log back into your account, you should see your games, messages, photos etc. 

Hope this helps!

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When you did the uninstall/reinstall, did all your library/apps get saved?

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