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Oculus Setup: KB2670838 and KB3033929 required, but already installed

So i'm trying to run the Oculus setup, however, every time I try it will not allow me to continue because i do not have the windows updates KB2670838 and KB3033929, but I do have them installed!

The setup file i grabbed from here:

And I've verified through Windows "Installed updates" that both of those updates are present on my Windows 7 machine.

Against my better judgement, I even went through and uninstalled the windows updates, and installed them again, but this problem still persists!

Help? I've been trying to get this thing to work for the last 6 hours!

Honored Guest
I'm having the same issue. No idea how to solve it. Possibly with a clean windows install but I'd rather not do that if it is avoidable.

Edit: There is another thread with the same issue from two and a half week ago. No solution proposed besides installing windows 8.

.8 will at least let me install it--- while giving me a warning that it requires the windows updates (which, again, i have installed!)

I have a debugger output from that, if I could get .8 to work that'd be enough.


"Time": "2016-04-16_17:31:56",

"SDK Version": "",

"Local SDK Version": "",

"Service Running Time": {

"Hours": 0,

"Minutes": 1,

"Seconds": 59


"Display Status": {

"Display Mode": 2,

"Win10 Native": {

"Capable": 0,

"Available": 0,

"ResultCode": -3005,

"Status": "DXGI 2 Preview requires Windows 10"


"IHVDirect": {

"Capable": 1,

"Available": 1,

"ResultCode": 0,

"Status": "Direct Display available"


"Legacy Direct": {

"Capable": 1,

"Available": 1,

"ResultCode": 0,

"Status": "OVRDirect available"


"Summary ResultCode": 0,

"Summary Status": ""


"System Specifications": {

"Operating System": "Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ",

"Processor": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz",

"Graphics Adapters": [{

"Name": "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600",

"Video Controller RAM (MB)": 1024,

"Driver Version": "",

"Video Mode": "1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors"

}, {

"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770",

"Video Controller RAM (MB)": 2048,

"Driver Version": "",

"Video Mode": ""


"Total RAM (GB)": 32,

"USB Tree": [{

"name": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",

"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_8C26&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_04\\3&11583659&0&E8",

"caption": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"Devices": [{

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"name": "USB Root Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",

"name": "Generic USB Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",

"name": "Generic USB Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",

"name": "Generic USB Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"name": "USB Composite Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard keyboards)",

"name": "HID Keyboard Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "Microsoft",

"name": "HID-compliant mouse"

}, {

"manufacturer": "Microsoft",

"name": "HID-compliant consumer control device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "Netgear",

"name": "NETGEAR WNA3100 N300 Wireless USB Adapter #2"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",

"name": "Generic USB Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"


}, {

"name": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",

"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_8C2D&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_04\\3&11583659&0&D0",

"caption": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"Devices": [{

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"name": "USB Root Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",

"name": "Generic USB Hub"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",

"name": "USB Composite Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "Logitech",

"name": "Logitech Gaming Mouse G600"

}, {

"manufacturer": "Logitech Gaming Mouse G600",

"name": "Logitech Gaming HID Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "USB Input Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard keyboards)",

"name": "HID Keyboard Device"

}, {

"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",

"name": "HID-compliant device"




"Drivers": [{

"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay64.dll",

"Version": ""

}, {

"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT64.dll",

"Version": ""

}, {

"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplay32.dll",

"Version": ""

}, {

"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",

"Version": ""

}, {

"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\RiftEnabler.sys",

"Version": ""

}, {

"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay32.dll",

"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\OVRDisplay32.dll not found"

}, {

"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",

"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll not found"

}, {

"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\OCUSBVID.sys",

"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\drivers\\OCUSBVID.sys not found"


"Video Device Tree": [{

"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770",

"VRAM (MB)": 1989,

"Monitors": [{

"Name": "\\\\.\\DISPLAY1",

"Width": 1920,

"Height": 1080,

"Refresh Rate": 60



"Devices": [{

"HMDNRFVersion": "",

"TrackerNRFVersion": ""



There was somebody else who had the same problem--- but he deleted his comment, not sure why.
EDIT: he was suggesting reinstalling windows as a solution 

Here's another log running .8, this is the serverLog.

04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Opened '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'
                    Manufacturer:'Oculus VR, Inc.'  Product:'Rift DK2'  Serial#:'MSCEMBR6K9DAKM005200'  Version:'212'

04/16/16 21:40:01: [FirmwareVersions] Reading firmware file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus/Tools/Firmware/

04/16/16 21:40:01: [Sensor2Impl] Repeated 139 IMU samples: 139000 139 0

04/16/16 21:40:01: [FirmwareVersions] WARNING: Unable to load the firmware file. Version checking for device firmware will be disabled and will report that firmware data is "not found".

04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::SensorDevice - Closed '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'

04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Closed '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'

04/16/16 21:40:02: [AppFocusObserver] Reacting to display change notification (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE).

04/16/16 21:40:22: {ERR-027} [WatchDogObserver] Deadlock detected: LongPoll

Grand Champion
So there is a trick to skip that part of the setup. Open the command prompt (and navigate to the folder where the setup file exists) and run this:
OculusSetup.exe /bypassHotfixCheck
However, if the hotfixes *are* missing you will have lots of problems after that point.
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Honored Guest
cybereality's answer helped me immediately! THANK YOU so much!

I just have to say, I am so disappointed in Rift's dev team. How they can let a product get all the way to consumers and still we have to deal with these problems. Like, I shouldn't have to bypass the hotfix check in order to run the damn setup software. My system already has those two updates. there is NO REASON for it to be like this. And this is almost a MONTH after this comment was posted! I had to open command prompt, navigate to the folder where the setup file exists, and run the bypass hotfix check command just to get past that stupid hotfix check. I seriously can't believe this. If I hadn't found out about this from cybereality's comment, I would still be cursing my computer in a rage. WTF, guys?


Can anyone please help me, iam also having the same problem and i have also tried the command prompt as show above but it still pops up with the same hotfix request which is definitely installed. Any help would be amazing! thanks in advance.

Honored Guest
is there any thing good for DK2. HAHA

Honored Guest

Expert Consultant
I'm having the same problem, I tried to skip the hotfix through the command prompt and it loaded setup right to the screen saying I need the updates.  How do you install this $600 paperweight?  I've been waiting to use this thing for so long, now that I finally get a video card that isn't defective, I can't install this.  Good lord.
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