04-16-2016 02:08 PM
04-16-2016 02:22 PM
04-16-2016 02:38 PM
"Time": "2016-04-16_17:31:56",
"SDK Version": "",
"Local SDK Version": "",
"Service Running Time": {
"Hours": 0,
"Minutes": 1,
"Seconds": 59
"Display Status": {
"Display Mode": 2,
"Win10 Native": {
"Capable": 0,
"Available": 0,
"ResultCode": -3005,
"Status": "DXGI 2 Preview requires Windows 10"
"IHVDirect": {
"Capable": 1,
"Available": 1,
"ResultCode": 0,
"Status": "Direct Display available"
"Legacy Direct": {
"Capable": 1,
"Available": 1,
"ResultCode": 0,
"Status": "OVRDirect available"
"Summary ResultCode": 0,
"Summary Status": ""
"System Specifications": {
"Operating System": "Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ",
"Processor": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz",
"Graphics Adapters": [{
"Name": "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600",
"Video Controller RAM (MB)": 1024,
"Driver Version": "",
"Video Mode": "1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors"
}, {
"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770",
"Video Controller RAM (MB)": 2048,
"Driver Version": "",
"Video Mode": ""
"Total RAM (GB)": 32,
"USB Tree": [{
"name": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_8C26&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_04\\3&11583659&0&E8",
"caption": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Root Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Composite Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard keyboards)",
"name": "HID Keyboard Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-compliant mouse"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Microsoft",
"name": "HID-compliant consumer control device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Netgear",
"name": "NETGEAR WNA3100 N300 Wireless USB Adapter #2"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
}, {
"name": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",
"deviceid": "PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_8C2D&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_04\\3&11583659&0&D0",
"caption": "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller",
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"Devices": [{
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Root Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Generic USB Hub)",
"name": "Generic USB Hub"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard USB Host Controller)",
"name": "USB Composite Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Logitech",
"name": "Logitech Gaming Mouse G600"
}, {
"manufacturer": "Logitech Gaming Mouse G600",
"name": "Logitech Gaming HID Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "USB Input Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard keyboards)",
"name": "HID Keyboard Device"
}, {
"manufacturer": "(Standard system devices)",
"name": "HID-compliant device"
"Drivers": [{
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay64.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT64.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplay32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\syswow64\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\RiftEnabler.sys",
"Version": ""
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplay32.dll",
"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\OVRDisplay32.dll not found"
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll",
"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\OVRDisplayRT32.dll not found"
}, {
"Path": "\\system32\\drivers\\OCUSBVID.sys",
"Version": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\drivers\\OCUSBVID.sys not found"
"Video Device Tree": [{
"Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770",
"VRAM (MB)": 1989,
"Monitors": [{
"Name": "\\\\.\\DISPLAY1",
"Width": 1920,
"Height": 1080,
"Refresh Rate": 60
"Devices": [{
"HMDNRFVersion": "",
"TrackerNRFVersion": ""
04-16-2016 02:48 PM
04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Opened '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'Manufacturer:'Oculus VR, Inc.' Product:'Rift DK2' Serial#:'MSCEMBR6K9DAKM005200' Version:'212'
04/16/16 21:40:01: [FirmwareVersions] Reading firmware file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus/Tools/Firmware/firmware.zip
04/16/16 21:40:01: [Sensor2Impl] Repeated 139 IMU samples: 139000 139 0
04/16/16 21:40:01: [FirmwareVersions] WARNING: Unable to load the firmware file. Version checking for device firmware will be disabled and will report that firmware data is "not found".
04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::SensorDevice - Closed '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'
04/16/16 21:40:01: OVR::Win32::HIDDevice - Closed '\\?\hid#vid_2833&pid_0021#9&a79e60d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'
04/16/16 21:40:02: [AppFocusObserver] Reacting to display change notification (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE).
04/16/16 21:40:22: {ERR-027} [WatchDogObserver] Deadlock detected: LongPoll
04-16-2016 05:50 PM
OculusSetup.exe /bypassHotfixCheckHowever, if the hotfixes *are* missing you will have lots of problems after that point.
05-18-2016 01:49 PM
05-26-2016 02:52 AM
07-24-2016 02:08 AM
07-24-2016 02:09 AM
08-31-2016 05:00 PM
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