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Pairing issues

Honored Guest

We had to send in our quest 2. Dreaded black screen of death. Got sent a new one with controllers. Now it’s stuck. Can’t pair the controllers to the system. It keeps saying to pull out tabs, there are no tabs. And the headset won’t pair to the app. What am I supposed to do? Anyone else have an issue like this? 


Retired Support

@deppressdo Oh boy, that sounds like quite the catastrophe. 


In regards to the headset not pairing to the app - This could be part of our known issue if you're facing either a 'need to update' or a digital pairing code that isn't working within the app. You can look for more information, as well as post any troubleshooting or other info you may have in this thread here


As for your controllers, there is a couple things you could test:


Reboot the headset:

  1. Turn off the headset. 
  2. Hold the Power and Volume Down (-) button together until the menu loads.
  3. Use the Volume Buttons to highlight Boot Device and press the Power Button.


Power cycle by holding the power button for roughly 20-30 seconds or a factory reset with the above steps. 


Hope any of this is able to help out! 🙂

Sometimes it's okay to be a little Bing Chilling
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