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What kind of power supply do you have and do you have any issues with Rift S?

Heroic Explorer
This is a simple poll to determine if power supply wattage has something to do with certain issues on Rift S. This poll is directed only to users with desktop computer.

Heroic Explorer
I left random static flashes (flash which last less than 1 second and may occur few times in a hour) out from this poll, but if you have them and want to share that information, feel free to reply below with that information and your power supply wattage... This thread is not for solving issues - just for stats.
Personally I have 650W power supply and have static flashes, but no other issues.

Expert Protege
1000 watt evga no issues except for rare white flash

Not applicable
I have 750W power supply and have static flashes.

Honored Guest
550W power supply with a 2070 GTX and i5 9700k. The Rift S worked fine on 1.37 however updating to 1.38 and later firmwares the Oculus Software crashes.

Unsure if its a power related issue as it worked fine previously.

I have a Dark Power Pro 11 850W, Intel Core i7 and a GTX 980Ti. My HMD would shut down after a minute or so. USB power settings did not help. Support did not know what to do for over a month. Had to get a refund.

Honored Guest
I have a 450W psu, GeForce 1050 Ti, 8 GB ram and 2 SSD drives. Rift S had worked flawlessly for 3 months. Now it says "USB 3 connection needed". Sometimes (1 out of 10 times maybe) it passes cable test but fails at sensor test. I see 3 dots in HMD all along. USB idle voltage is 5.08V and drops to 5.06V when Rift S is plugged in AND its LCD is on. 

Not applicable
edit: didn't notice the date, my bad 😉
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