06-15-2013 02:56 AM
06-15-2013 06:29 AM
06-15-2013 07:22 AM
"fudspong" wrote:
I've looked at motion platforms in the past in connection with multiple monitor/projector displays, and the good ones run to $100K plus with 6DOF, skew etc.
It occurs to me that although FPS players will use the frictionless treadmill, racers and flight sim players will need a chair manipulator of some kind.
In the same way that Oculus has democratised head mounted VR, someone needs to do the same for domestic scale motion platforms.
Physical motion feedback will go a long way to ameliorate motion sickness in users if their mental motion sensations are matched by actual physical sensations.
06-15-2013 10:39 AM
06-15-2013 09:16 PM
"scsioverdrive" wrote:
SimXperience makes some nice looking chairs for "only" a few grand.
GS4 seat: http://simxperience.com/Products/MotionSimulatorKits/SimXperienceGS4GSeat.aspx
Motion sim kit: http://simxperience.com/Products/MotionSimulatorKits/Stage1MotionSimulatorKit.aspx
I've never personally tried one of these, so I can't vouch for them. The reviews seem favorable though. Definitely not cheap, but also not 100k. 🙂
06-15-2013 09:18 PM
"ncwolf" wrote:
I thought people had decided to use the wii balance board for this (viewtopic.php?f=25&t=219)? Of course it wouldn't have everything, but I remember someone saying you could use another controller/mouse with it.
06-16-2013 03:43 AM
06-16-2013 11:57 AM
I've looked at motion platforms in the past in connection with multiple monitor/projector displays, and the good ones run to $100K plus with 6DOF, skew etc.
06-16-2013 12:00 PM
06-20-2013 04:40 PM