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DK2 is good ONLY if its designed with DK2 native support

Honored Guest
well some games work like L4D 2 and LFS and some demos

the tracking and feel of LFS 2 and the chair demo are really what make oculus rift awesome

when tracking doesn't work it feels like a huge 600" OLED screen that has 3D at 1280 res on a 1080p native display

when games implement FULL DK2 support is when this will shine

many games like TF2, Arma 3, Planetside 2 don't work with oculus because the screen isn't split or the mouse doesn't work

DK2 has to be made with the DK2 VR

obviously porting games to DK2 as weren't designed at all with this in mind except for TrackIR but full native support will make the DK2 shine

I would say 3% of my gaming collection actually work and only like 1% or less make the DK2 worth having

in the right hands people would want VR but some demos and games just make it so stupid to have

the 3D roaming in a stupid world that isn't even that good gets really dumb

if people havn't touched the games I've played that work well with DK2 and they quit, because the first impressions they have is bad

I had the chair demo as the first demo that worked and thought all the demos were like it but they weren't

Honored Guest
It's like I can see your mouth moving, but I can't hear anything...

Honored Guest
Somebody else didn't read the "for early developers only" part of the text.