We are developing a serious simulation solution. We are using third party trackers to be able to track the HMD over a much larger space than the oculus constellation tracking system allows. This third party system is using IR-markers as well, hence we need to disable the built in IR-leds in the Oculus Rift HMD to aviod them interfering with the third party tracking cameras.
Previously this could be done by simply disconnecting the Oculus Constellation sensors/cameras. As soon as you did that the IR-leds inside the Rift stopped flashing. But with the recent updates from Oculus, this is no longer allowed. If you try to disconnect/disabled the sensors the Oculus application just gives you a warning saying.
"Critical Error - We can't find your sensor. Please connect your sensor"
Disabling the positional tracking via the Oculus SDK won't stop the IR-leds from flashing either.
It would be nice if there where a simple way of disabling the built in IR-leds from the SDK. The best way would be if the IR-leds stopped flashing as soon as you disabled the positional tracking from the SDK.
Right now our very ugly workaround is to tape over every LED of the Rift with thick black duct tape.