12-30-2019 04:06 AM
12-30-2019 04:36 AM
12-30-2019 01:08 PM
12-30-2019 08:37 PM
12-30-2019 11:16 PM
12-31-2019 02:56 AM
12-31-2019 03:11 AM
duplicate post
12-31-2019 06:01 PM
If you haven't already, I highly recommend you go to the Valve website and download Steam (free download). There you can buy many games, vr included, most importantly including that ability to refund if you have played for under 2 hours and owned it for less than 2 weeks.
Jamessc said:
I am reluctant to buy games as I do not know if I can use them or not.
01-01-2020 08:41 AM
01-01-2020 11:00 AM
Virtual_Davey said:
I ordered a Rift S from Bestbuy and it's ready for pickup, which I was going to do today, but this topic has me concerned. I almost always prefer sitting while playing and have had hardly any issues with my CV1 with this preference. I was staying away from the Quest due to reading topics that it is nearly impossible to play sitting games with the Quest (at least while mobile, unsure about link). If there are issues with the Rift S while sitting on a couch, I'd rather cancel my S order (even though I'd be getting it for $345 total brand new).