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Entitlement Check Failing


I have to headsets, each one with it own user


Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 9.49.30 AM.png

I build and run the same apk into both devices.


In one, the meta avatar loads perfectly, on the other device (with other user) I get an error:



void EntitlementCallback(Message msg)
    if (msg.IsError)
        D.Log("You are NOT entitled to use this app. Please check if you added the correct ID's and credentials in Oculus>Platform");
        D.Log("You are entitled to use this app.");


The error says:

users does not have app in library
Any ideas welcomed



Both users are part of the Organization on oculus. tried admin and also developer.



And on the account that doesnt pass the Entitlement it says I am a verified dev


Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 11.12.24 AM.png

Hi, did you solve this issue? I have the same problem right now with a newly created account. Is it because a new Meta account?

Hey Senhor_Castor, did you solve the issue? I am having the same issue with two accounts. One works and other fails entitlement check. Both are part of the same organization.

How do you install the app on each account? Because in my case, the new invited dev account to the organization were not detected has installed the app by meta system somehow when they install the app via ODH. I solve it by uploading the app to the applab alpha version, and let others install from applab and it fixed entitlement check. After that, everyone can install from ODH again without problem because their account has detected owning the app.

We are actually trying to test from the Editor as we are developing a multiplayer app using Meta avatars. 
So we have the Rift and Quest App ID set up and both accounts are part of the same organization. OculusPlatformSettings.png

Hey guys so I figure out the issue and posting here in case somebody else face the same issue.

In order to allow a Meta account to play the title and pass the entitlement check you need to add the specific account to the proper Release Channel.


Keep in mind that you may need to create two Meta apps in the dashboard.
A Quest app and a Rift app. Quest for the standalone builds testing, Rift for the PC VR or Editor testing. In this case, you would need to add the users to both release channels.


You don't really need to be part of the same Meta organization. As long as the user is subscribed to the proper release channel on both apps.


Thanks @ErickMarinC this helped us