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OVRPlayerController navigation frozen in build with 5.5.2p3 + utilities 1.12

Currently running into problem using the standard OVRPlayerController prefab for simple VR movement; the player can navigate normally when testing in-editor but when I build out and executable (PC build) the player can look around etc but stays frozen in place, neither WASD or gamepad controls working.

I'd set the player a few feet above the surface of the ground which in-editor means they straight away fall to the ground and continue as normal, while in builds the player stays floating, leading me to think I might be running into some compiler errors in the OVRPlayer controller script that only emerge on build?

I'd also initially run into issues with the OVRPlayerController.cs script seeming to not include gamepad navigation (is this no longer included? The unity utilities overview seemed to indicate it should) and had changed the script to add this, but the frozen-player-on-build issue plagues both the vanilla and modified scripts.

Settings in case I've missed something:

Yeah sure, here. It's from an old DK2 project I'm trying port across to CV1 so there are some script errors of mine I haven't cleaned up yet :neutral: Though I was careful to clear out the older Oculus Utilities perhaps I missed something.

Alright, I'll give it another go and see if it solves this.


I've given this a go without success yet. I take it the OculusPlugin.dll and OVRPlugin.dll deprecated these days? Or are they located elsewhere? When I import the new utilities it only should be adding the OVRGamepad.bundle files to the plugins folder?

I'm still getting the
"Oculus Utilities v1.12.0, OVRPlugin v0.0.0, SDK v0.0.0." message in my logfile

Okay, so I installed a new copy of unity 5.5.2p3 with a fresh import of the the Oculus utilities on a different computer and the default OVRPlayerController worked fine in builds. Looking at the <AppName>_Data directory of one of these builds, I ended up copying the
from these working builds to the other non-functional builds on my original machine and after a little fiddling (they wanted to be in the \mono folder instead?)... the builds work!

I'm now trying to figure out why these .dll's aren't being included in the build by default, any suggestions? I still get "SDK v0.0.0." in the logfile, but "OVRPlugin v1.12.0" is correct when I manually include it.