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Oculus Unity Integration - v1.40 (08/29/19)

Retired Support

Version 1.40 of our integration for Unity has been released!

The Oculus Integration for Unity package adds scripts, prefabs, samples, and other resources to supplement Unity’s built-in support. The package includes an interface for controlling VR camera behavior, a first-person control prefab, a unified input API for controllers, advanced rendering features, object-grabbing and haptics scripts for Touch, debugging tools, and more. For more information, see our Unity Getting Started Guide.

You can grab the latest version of our Unity Integration here (through the Unity Asset Store):

More information, as well as general known issues with Unity, about this release can be found here.

New Features

  • Updates to the Oculus Quest Mixed Reality Tools package.
  • Added Late Controller Update to OVRManager. pdates the pose of the controllers immediately before rendering, for lower latency between real-world and virtual controller movement.
  • Updated the behavior of Use Recommended MSAA Level in OVRManager. This setting is now enabled by default.
  • OVRDisplay.RecenteredPose: Is now supported on Quest. The event is sent anytime a user recenters.
  • Removed the requirement to manually generate an AndroidManifest.xml file with the headtracking manifest flag for Oculus Quest support. Simply adding "Oculus Quest" to the list of target devices in OVRManager will update the manifest file.

Integration Changes

  • Updated the Oculus Unity Integration to 1.40, including:
    • Updated the Audio Spatializer to 1.40
    • Updated the Lipsync integration to 1.40
    • Updated the Platform integration to 1.40

Importing the latest Oculus Integration

When importing a new version of the Oculus Integration into an existing project, follow the steps on Importing the Oculus Utilities Package to ensure a smooth upgrade experience.

Known Issues

Please read the release notes in their entirety here:

Legacy Unity Release Archive

Legacy versions of the Unity Integration can be found in the Unity Integration Archive.

The thread for the previous version (v1.39) can be found here:

Thanks! Working pretty well in Unity 2019.2.2f1 so far

When Assets / Oculus / SampleFramework / Usage/Locomotion is executed, the teleport is executed in the opposite direction for some reason.

The AvatarGrab example scene is also completely broken as it will infinitely spawn skinned mesh renderers when you have hands enabled (app id in the avatar settings) for some bizarre reason.

Honored Guest
Is there any reason why the Package Manager still shows the package as 1.38.2? The Asset Store shows 1.40 but when I download it, it shows it as 1.38.2 in the Package Manager... Can I somehow force download 1.40?

Honored Guest

When Assets / Oculus / SampleFramework / Usage/Locomotion is executed, the teleport is executed in the opposite direction for some reason.

I'm having exactly the same issue with 1.38.2. If I use any teleport action, the movement happens in opposite direction!

I can't get this 1.40 working. Oculus won't initialize.

Reproduction Steps:
- Run Unity 2019.1.14f1 (latest approved release)
- Create new project using LWRP VR
- Update Oculus Desktop package from package manager
- Run App - everything works okay
- Download Oculus Integration from app store
- Accept update to 1.40 of Oculus
- Run App - "Failed to initialize"

Expert Protege

NinjaGG said:

Importing the latest Oculus Integration

When importing a new version of the Oculus Integration into an existing project, follow the steps on Importing the Oculus Utilities Package to ensure a smooth upgrade experience.

That link doesn't work.

Amazing. I have been using SteamVR a couple of years now but buying a Oculus Quest at work forced me into this. This must be the lowest quality of VR SDK I ever worked with (Except Varjo SDK). It's aweful to get a grip of. You can't easy navigate through the folders.

If I want just the controllers to show up in a game, why do I need Audiomanager, lipsync, voicemod etc etc. It really looks like they just put all the garbage into one SDK? I needed to use windows search folder to just find some example scenes.

And.. the sample scenes did'nt even work! Just looked through some reviews at Unity asset store and I'm not alone with this issues. I will ditch developing for quest for some time. I have better things to spend my time on.

I'm also seeing the "reverse teleport" issue.