08-21-2024 02:16 AM
Hello fellow devs,
I am using the RayCanvasFlat that comes with the samples for Meta Interaction SDK for my project.
There is a wall object in an architecture scene and I want to be able to use the ray pinch functionality to select this wall and call an event to pop up a menu to interact with this wall.
I used the RayCanvasFlat prefab and removed all text and buttons from it, duplicated it 3 times and placed them on 3 sides of the exposed wall:
I added a pointable canvas unity event wrapper and in the select part I added my menu scaler.
Here is the pointable canvas module settings:
When I run the scene in unity editor, and I point and pinch at the canvases around the wall, I get the event called successfully and the menu pops up. However, when I make the build and run the build on Quest 3 untethered, pointing at the canvases still works (I see the cursor and the click effect) but the unity event to scale up the menu does not work...
Any ideas how I can debug this or fix it? If there is also a way for me to use this ray interactor + pinch without a canvas where I can see the cursor similar to how it appears on canvas, I would be grateful for directions too.
Thanks in advance!
a week ago
I had the same issues and tried many things, this video helped me, and the result is somewhat consistent...
However, I still have random problems when sometimes buttons won't be clicked in the Editor or built application. But it mostly works...
This Meta SDK is borderline functioning.