What version of Unity are you developing with? I've been using mostly 2017.3 and almost every time I have an issue is appears that it's something that has been introduced in 2017.x
Are people persisting with 2017.x or are they sticking with a version of 5.6.x?
Currently, the baseline version is 5.6.4p2. However, I've personally used all the way up to 2017.4.0f1 and haven't encountered any issues. What types of issues are you running into?
Interesting, I've had issues like the back button not working (which I've posted about and was confirmed as a known issue https://forums.oculusvr.com/developer/discussion/63273/gear-vr-back-button-to-confirm-quit-menu#, plus things like having to enter the app ID into both Gear VR and Rift inputs or it crashes. I can't remember others I've found at present. There are workarounds, but I've wasted a lot of time tracking these down so would like to avoid any further delays.
I was actually unaware of a baseline version being 5.6.4f2 - I think I'll give that a go, thanks.
Found this post and wanted to ask what is the current unity baseline version for Rift and Quest?
Also - is the LWRP / URP recommended for quest? I saw in some resources that it's not optimized for tiled rendering, but wondered if it's still the case..