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Forum Posts

Exoplayer in Unity

We are trying to embed a video using Exoplayer in an Oculus VR app using Unity. I have looked for examples but just can't seem to find any. Any help would really be appreciated.

Custom Touch Hand Animations

Hi all,We've setup some custom hands for our game, I've got the grabbing via Flex working not a problem.The issue we're having is with the Thumb & Point layers overriding, the animations are also overriding the other fingers/thumb which kills the gra...

Preventing HMD disconnects

Frequent, unexplained HMD disconnects seems to be a common problem with a wide range of potential causes (software updates, driver updates, USB power settings, loose cables, faulty hardware, etc.).I'm posting to the Unity subforum since it feels like...

Singlepass bug on devices with Mali

Not sure where to post this - Unity marked this bug as "won't fix". Maybe this is a driver related problem or GearVR. So, bug description: Single-pass stereo is using the same eye index for both eyes on Gear VR1. Single-pass stereo is using the same ...

Utilities for Unity on Asset Store

Hey everyone,I keep reading about the Utilities for Unity being available on the Unity asset store now:Oculus Plugins now available through Asset StoreThe Oculus Integration, available from the Unity Asset Store, provides several unityPackages in a s...

Unity Win64 centerEyeAnchor.localPosition Bug

If I enable oculus vr support in unity from player settings as the only device and disable positional tracking in the OVRCameraRig of my scene it works entirely as expected with the localPosition of the centerEyeAnchor always at (0, 0, 0). The bug oc...

dfortney by Honored Guest
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Rotation and Movement

Hello :smile: I am attempting to make a player controller that will allow a player to move around a scene with the Left Touch Thumbstick and rotate their forward vector with the Right. I got movement to work and rotation appears to work, but when try...

Oculus SDK change camera fov in Unity

Hello to all fellow developers.My question is specif to to Unity and Oculus SDK which has a fixed FOV when the VR Headset gets connected.Oculus Documentation Link on Camera FOV and Scalehttps://developer.oculus.com/design/latest/concepts/bp_app_fov_s...

detect pressing Oculus Home button

Hi.We use Unity to developgames. We want to know how to detect pressing Oculus Home button events totrigger a game pause.We tried someinterfaces in SDK, but it didn't work.Unity v5.5.0f3, Oculus Utilities v1.13.0, OVRPlugin v1.10.0, SDK v1.16.0.Unity...

pomfish by Honored Guest
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Oculus equivalent to HTC Vive Input

I downloaded an asset from the Unity Asset Store and the input method being tracked in HTC Vive.I am developing a game in Unity using the Oculus Rift.I was wondering how I could translate the following HTC Vive input to the rift controllers://Referen...

Oculus get Z-Rotation

Hi Guys,im actually trying to make a game in unity in which the player moves forward on a cylindric path. I want to use the z-Rotation of the Oculus only so that the player can rotate around this axis by rotating his head. The problem is that the rot...

luqasona by Honored Guest
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Watermark/Logo overlay

This probably has a pretty straightforward answer but does anyone know of a good way to overlay a watermark/logo to the monitor view while keeping it from rendering in the headset itself?

1Pac by Protege
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Hybrid Monoscopic rendering

Related to https://forums.oculus.com/developer/discussion/43860/monoscopic-renderer-for-gear-vr and https://developer.oculus.com/blog/hybrid-mono-rendering-in-ue4-and-unity/, where can I download the Unity example of this?

Fulby by Heroic Explorer
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touch trigger has no response

We use Unity 3D to develop, and we have found oculus touch will be identified as Xbox controller,which causes it to fail to respond to its own events. For example, when we only connect touch without XBOX controller, touch trigger has no response. Is ...

pomfish by Honored Guest
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Samsung Internet in VR mode with Intent

Hello,I would like to open Samsung Internet Browser in VR from my Unity App. I wrote a code which opens the browser but the URL doesn't load. In that code I use "com.sec.android.app.svrbrowser" to identify the application.If I use "com.sec.android.ap...

Justbrave by Honored Guest
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New Oculus Rift not detected with Unity build

Hello,I brought the new oculus rift this week (Europe) for working with Unity3D Unity 5.4.1f1, Oculus utilities 1.8.9 installed.When I'm working on the Unity Editor, everything is working fine, oculus detected, camera head tracking working fine.But w...

sennin31 by Honored Guest
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