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Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'OculusXRHMD' in UE5Rules

Honored Guest

When I try to launch my Project on my Quest 2, I get this error:

LogPlayLevel: UAT: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'OculusXRHMD' in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. This type must derive from the 'ModuleRules' type defined by Unreal Build Tool.

I have no Idea what causes this or how to fix it. I've just finished the quick start guide and nothing works.


Honored Guest

Hi, it might sound like a dumb question, but what tool did you use to unzip the plugin? I had the same error and it seems that unzipping via the builtin windows tools leads to corrupted files/ incomplete archives. I'd recommend the following:

1. Start your project

2. Deselect MetaXR in the plugins tab

3. Restart UE

4. Close UE

5. Delete the MetaXR-Plugin from the UE's plugin directory

6. Download the MetaXR-Plugin again and unzip it using something like winrar or 7zip (I've used 7zip)

7. Copy/Move the newly unzipped folder into the plugin directory

8. Start UE

9. enable the plugin

10. restart UE

11. Try building


That were the exact same steps I took to solve the issue on my setup.


Good luck and kind regards,


Didn't work


Had this issue as well, and checking into it this tends to happen when a plugin is installed incorrectly.

UE5 requires plugins added to the engine to be stored in a folder called "marketplace" within the plugin folder of the engine itself. This folder may not exist, and will need to be created. Unzip the plugin into that folder, and you should be good!