04-05-2019 07:57 AM
I'm trying to get a unique ID offline of the Oculus Go on Unreal Engine that can be persistant between resets or at least between oculus updates. I was using at first the Persistent Unique Device ID from the Mobile Utils Plugin Project (https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/community-content-tools-and-tutorials/86113-free-mobile-ut...) but the ID of some of my oculus changed after oculus updates, it also changed between resets.
I tried different others functions but none of them seems to work :
FAndroidMisc::GetLoginId() and FPlatformMisc::GetLoginID() does not return a persistent ID
FAndroidMisc::GetDeviceId() and FPlatformMisc::GetDeviceID() does not return a persistent ID
FAndroidMisc::GetMacAdressString() and FPlatformMisc::GetMacAdressString() returns nothing
FAndroidMisc::GetUniqueDeviceId() and FPlatformMisc::GetUniqueDeviceID() always returns the same string
I also tried to use the Get Oculus Identity function from the Online Subsystem Oculus plugin but it is stuck on loading.
Do you have any solution? Is there any solution to even get the serial number?
Thanks for your help,
08-09-2019 02:18 AM
03-27-2021 02:17 AM
This is due to a data use checkup not being submitted through the oculus developer dashboard for your project. The request must be approved, then Oculus Identity starts working immediately in UE (PIE, included). This requires a privacy policy to be submitted to them. I used RocketLawyer.com.
This is what helped me: https://forums.oculusvr.com/t5/Unreal-Development/Get-Oculus-Identity-returns-No-Logged-In-user/m-p/...