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Privacy, Equality and Compliance with the LAW

Honored Guest

Dear Meta, 

If you paid full retail price for the device it should belong to you and remain fully functional without a need to be connected to proprietary servers. Limiting functionality or rendering device unusable is against the customers protection law of the European Union.
In the European
Union, consumer protection laws designed to safeguard consumers against
unfair practices. If a device is sold at full retail price, consumers might reasonably  
expect it to remain fully functional without dependency on external services that could 
be withdrawn.                                                                           
If a company like Meta restricts functionality or renders a device unusable without such
services, it could potentially be in violation of EU consumer protection laws. Consumers
might have grounds for a case if they can demonstrate that the restrictions were not    
made clear at the time of purchase, or if the changes significantly alter the           
functionality of the device from what was advertised.
I understand that majority of the restrictions can be justified with anti piracy measures, however this can be implemented differently in my opinion. 
See, not everyone is interested in your social media that you are pushing so aggressively, to the point that you are rendering device unusable when somebody does not consent to your privacy policy. Before the 71 update, offline activation would result a broken guardian system, which you fixed recently after hearing about potential law suit.
I see that you can fix things when you want, not only break. 
Good job, Meta!
I am referring to your selective updates that sometimes disabling/breaking some features. 
For example one of the updates is modifying  behavior of "Do Not Disturb" by disabling it at the midnight, Not everyone has it, but as soon as I performed offline activation suddenly it's fixed again. Is this a joke? What is the point of this "update"? To annoy people with notifications when they requested not to? 
Also when I disable some features, like "People", since I don't use use your social media, your "Oculus Mobile Services" will re-enable them remotely. 
It's not only annoying from the Customer's Perspective, but also annoying to me as a Developer


As a Developer who prefers to use open source solutions, I am deeply disappointed with the way you neglect Linux/Open-Source Developers and users

Yes,there is a bare minimum support which is a bit behind on the new features and it's clearly visible that you prioritize your partnership with Unity and Unreal Engine over open source developers. Let me guess, your marketing department decided we are not worth the effort.  

Also a friendly reminder that your OS is still Android. It would be nice of you if you'd stop mutilating it and  share the kernel sources. 

Now the input as a business owner. 

Your privacy policy is violating mine with your invasive behavior, excessive logging and data collection. So far I was able to re-activate device offline and disable most the bloatware, alongside with blocking ongoing traffic to your servers.  Why does it need to be that way? 

See, AndroidXR is on the way to take your market share. Your best strategy is to adapt. Since your Horizon OS is based on the android, think about abandoning it and migrating to AndroidXR, 

Rethink your aggressive policies that force users to use social features before it's too late...


There can be compromises: 

  • Provide a way to activate and use device without logging into meta without breaking anything apart from maybe access to the store. 
  • Make your social features optional. Maybe the penalty would be inability to use some online features that rely on them. Like some apps use your creepy avatars, bet many can live without them. 
  • As a bare minimum provide access to the market place with a way to validate the licence. Similar to Play Services. The system shall function without them and no data should be collected until user logs in and consent to a separate license agreement that should only cover the license validation and how user uses the store. Anything outside that is invasive.  
  • All the logs should be transparent and optional. 
  • Make all your updates available to everyone including experimental without the need to download another OTA update after sideloading the firmware update. For example new UI is unavailable, so is seamless multitasking after offline activation.  
  • Be more developer friendly, not only to your partners. Make it equal for everyone, 
  • Would be nice to have a RAW ACCESS to the cameras,depth sensors, maybe spatial mesh data. You can just use the same concept like with microphone (switches, notifications). Updating the android base might be helpful, as they have privacy api that does that. 
  • Ideally allow us to unlock bootloader. 


The least you can do now after you cursed Oculus startup with your social platform and privacy policies is to to reflect on my input.  Oculus Quest 3 can be so much more if you let the developers explore it's true potential, You might have the biggest share of the VR market, but thanks to you partnership with 2 game engines, neglection of the open source community and aggressive policies all you have is a flooded market place with look alike content. The VR hype is over. People are craving for something new, so why don't you lead the way by letting the open source community in?



I'm so frustrated with this Meta crap,I've had this 500 headset for two months and have yet had any good help getting my Quest 3 running. Somehow my system is tied into a business account which I cant reverse out of it.So I have been totally locked out of using this 500 paper weight.

@sunshine.458647  factory reset the headset and set it up with a different email address.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR